Survey of the wellbeing of pupils in primary schools

During the academic year 2008-2009 two Belgian inspectors of the Flemish inspectorate conducted a scientific research about the wellbeing of pupils in primary schools. They presented the report of this study as their thesis at the end of their additional study Training and Education Science at the University of Antwerp.

As a preliminary study, a part of this research explored how inspectorates (which are a member of SICI) involve the pupils’ voice during school inspection in primary education. The researchers gathered their information by means of an electronic questionnaire.

The enquiry found that most of the interviewed inspectorates in some way involve primary learners during school inspections. However, the approach and the used methods of involving pupils appear to be very different between the European inspectorates. At the other hand the content of those aspects inspectors ask pupils are similar in one way or another between the different inspectorates of the European countries.

The complete results of this part of the study and the methods used by European inspectorates to question pupils of primary schools about their wellbeing, is available now and can be read in the attached electronic file.